Monday, February 17, 2014

The little shadow

Sometimes we call Bug "the little shadow", because she spends every minute of her day following her big sister around copying her every move. She always has to play whatever Belle is playing and eat whatever Belle is eating. Usually it is so cute to watch them hand the other a book or doll so that they can both be doing the same thing. Sometimes it can be a little annoying, like yesterday when Belle got peanut butter all over her shirt and changed into a clean one, so Bug announced "I need different play clothes!" umm no I will not be doing extra laundry so that you can copy your sister's every single move.  I'm sure it will get on Belle's nerves too sometimes..... but right now she adores Bug and loves doing everything with her all day (and is often the one copying her little sister). I'm so glad my girls have each other. When I was pregnant with Bug, I was so nervous about having 2 babies so close together, but I couldn't imagine anything better.

Most of the time their need to copy each other is adorable
In my biased opinion Belle is a pretty awesome kid, so I think Bug should keep trying to be just like her big sis (no pressure for that oldest sister to be a good example her whole life!) I always enjoy using the copying to my advantage. When Belle turned 3 we started giving her little "chores", and her favorite is that she gets to wipe the table every night after dinner. Of course that means Bug has to help, so I give her the towel and she dries and loves helping just like Belle.
Looking cool together in the snow
I just hope they are always this close. Growing up I was a shadow to my big sister.  I spent most of my life following her around and copying her.  We were "the buddies" growing up and did everything together- of course then we hit our teen years, and she did not appreciate me copying her and we fought all the time. Now we are best friends, and I think big sisters are just the greatest thing ever. 

Of course Bug is her own unique person, and there are times when she does NOT want to copy Belle. I asked her if she wanted to start wearing big girl underwear soon like Belle does, and she very definitively told me, "No I want diaper". Haha I can see how potty training is going to go with her :)