Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pregnancy Procrastination

I've always been a procrastinator, so I guess it is no surprise that I'd procrastinate baby preparation. Almost everyone I know is always ready by 35 weeks or so to just be done and have the baby, but I have never felt that way. I was totally content when Belle decided to wait and arrive 10 days after her due date, because it gave this procrastinator 10 days to actually get ready to have a baby. Bug surprised us all when she arrived a week early, and I was not ready at all. I hadn't packed a bag or written lesson plans for the sub, so I decided to do that at 2am while in active labor (I'm sure those lesson plans were very coherent). I also refuse to commit to baby names before I see the baby. The poor Officer (a VERY decisive man).... it must be a nightmare to get ready for babies with me. I know he's always waiting for me to reach the nesting phase, which never seems to happen for me. I am a big procrastinator with everything, but I think with pregnancy it all just scares me. I love being pregnant (but I could do without all the nausea), and I love babies, but the idea of my whole world being completely changed always scares me a little bit. I'm sure I will write a post another day about how nervous I always get before a new baby arrives.

There is no denying I'm very pregnant though. Here is a bump picture for your enjoyment. I hate taking these, but I guess when I'm 39 weeks I will look back longingly at this belly. Also, in case any of you are unaware let me offer you some friendly advice: it is NEVER acceptable to ask a woman "Are you sure you are not having twins??" I have been asked that at least 3 times in the last few weeks. There is no good answer to this question. Just don't do it.
I might be procrastinating in my preparation, but Baby Mik is certainly not procrastinating in growth
I have been procrastinating everything, but I guess I really should get around to telling my students and their parents that I am pregnant. Do you think they've figured it out yet?? Ha obviously everyone knows, but I have not actually told the parents in my class yet, mainly because I'm awkward. I should let them know that I am not due until the summer, and it will not affect this school year.  I'm sure they have all been wondering if I'm due in a month or two and will miss the end of the year, but they are all too kind to ask. I love them for that.

Tomorrow I am 22 weeks pregnant. I still have a nice long way to go, but I know that the end of the school year will sneak up on me quickly, and then this baby will be here fast!

For now I'll just enjoy little Baby Mik safe and snug in my belly, and I'll procrastinate thinking of names, packing a bag, or getting baby clothes out of the attic for a while. I'm sure the nervousness is completely normal.... not sure the procrastination is though :)


  1. This post was really from the heart and what you wrote about nesting, emotionally preparing for a newborn, the nerves, etc. was reassuring and comforting to read. Such a crazy, topsy-turvy, exhilarating kind of time. You look so beautiful!

  2. Beautiful!! I admire your ability to procrastinate without stressing out about procrastinating.
