Thursday, February 27, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Belle has suddenly become a Daddy's girl. For the first 2.5 years of her life it was (mostly) all about Mommy. Of course she has always loved Daddy, but nobody was the same as her Mommy. She and Bug would fight over my lap every Sunday at Mass, and Belle always wanted Mommy to do all the baths, bedtimes, and snuggles. It was wonderful, and I soaked it all in.... but sometimes it's tiring to be the Mommy, who has someone hanging on me every second of the day. I knew it wouldn't last though, so I enjoyed it. I enjoyed having 2 little girls who fought over me and thought I was irreplaceable. It has ended. Now Daddy is becoming her world. Oh, she still loves me and gives me more snuggles than I could ever need, but many times a day I hear, "I want my Daddy!", and I couldn't be happier about it.

Now she always wants Daddy to do bath and bedtime. She wants Daddy to read her 35 books a day (fine by me!).  She constantly asks when Daddy will be home from work and always wants "great big Daddy bear hugs". She tells him that he is handsome after he shaves (haha might have learned that one from me), and anytime anything is broken or needs to be taken care of around the house, she tells me, "Don't worry, Daddy will take care of that" (probably learned that from me too ha). One day he stayed home from work, and she asked him who was going "to put the bad guys in timeout" if he wasn't there. Yes, this man is her hero.

I thought I might miss being her world, but instead my heart just melts when I see these two together. Of course, it helps that I still have Bug as my little sidekick. She is still in the Mommy-obsession phase, and I have little baby Mik coming soon, and we all know that nobody can replace Mommy when it comes to newborns. So, Belle and Daddy can be buddies.  He will show her the way she should expect men to treat her as she grows, and he will teach her how to throw a baseball (Mommy has soccer covered, but not baseball).  I always want to remember these days when she just completely adores her Daddy. I can't blame her. I adore him too.


  1. Am I allowed to vote for bigger pictures in your posts?

    1. better??? as long as I am not in them they can be bigger :)
