Sunday, November 23, 2014


I'm sure you've seen the new "Lumbersexual" trend in fashion, which I think is quite funny.  The Officer and I have never been very trendy or stylish, but the Officer's love of plaid, guns, and the outdoors would mean that a lumbersexual trend would make him pretty close to stylish. Of course, the Officer always likes to wear O.D. green, so I've named his style "Lumbertactical", and I think everyone will be wearing it in a few years. Here is a picture of lumbertactical....

Of course this was after he spent the afternoon renovating the bathroom floors, so I'm not sure he'd wear this outfit out to dinner or anything. I do think it goes well with my "dressy sweats" style. The look is also much more attractive when the man is doing the dishes after cooking us dinner =) Sorry ladies, he is all mine! 

1 comment:

  1. It took me awhile to figure out "O.D". Mom used to always say that but I assumed it was her reflecting her feelings about the color olive. Now Sir Google has enlightened me although I still think the "drab" is redundant. The Officer is a great man. I really appreciated all of his help on Friday. It was great to see you all.
