Friday, November 21, 2014

Board Games and Great Dads

1. Today was a long hard day... I was just a tired grouch after a long week, and I spent 5 hours this morning taking little baby girl to 2 back to back Dr. appointments, only to find out that I still must continue my diet of no good food, until forever. Dramatic, I know, but that's how I am when it comes to food. The Officer went to work as soon as I got home, so we're on day 3 of not seeing each other for more than 30 seconds. Being a Law Enforcement wife can be tough. Enough of the whining... now for my happy takes....

2. Being a L.E. wife can be really tough, but it also has it's perks. The Officer was supposed to work Thanksgiving this year, but he was able to get the day off, so next week he is going to have 6 days off in a row, which is going to be awesome! I can't wait for next week!

I should never complain about anything.... I'm so lucky! 
3. Thanksgiving is going to be great- we get to spend one day at his parents' and one day with my family. Both houses will be full of great food, lots of cousins playing, football games that I will ignore, tons of laughter, and hours of board games after the kids go to sleep. I'm just a little bit excited for Thanksgiving, even if I can't eat the mashed potatoes or desserts.

4. Speaking of board games- Our new favorite board game is 7 Wonders, and wow it is so fun. My bro-in-law always introduces us to the best nerdy board games- Dominion, 7 Wonders, Thurn and Taxis- don't consider how nerdy this makes me until you have tried these awesome games.

5. The Officer and I love playing board games with both our families, and we have recently started playing games with the girls. They ask to play games all day- their favorites are chutes and ladders, candyland, and memory. We played Uno once, and they did okay, but they are still young to understand skip and reverse and all that. So I've been trying to find a good board game to get them for Christmas, and my friend Lauren sent me some great ideas. Here are my top choices right now.... Let me know if you have ever played any of these games, or have any other game ideas for preschool-aged kiddos.
Sneaky Snacky Squirrel
Hoot Owl Hoot

Discovery Garden Game 
Bingo Pongo

6. The Officer has made slow but steady progress on our bathroom remodel. Remember when he did the powder room reno in a week, and then immediately started remodeling our master bathroom?! Well, then I went back to work, and he has had very little time to work on it, so it's been slow moving. As with all DIY projects, there is always more work to be done than you thought. He does work hard on it whenever we both have a day off, so he is making progress. At least he has some really cute girls cheering him on!

7. One more take about SuperDad, because he is just that awesome. There is seriously nothing that he doesn't do. He's a tough guy who renovates bathrooms, shoots guns, and arrests criminals, but he also dances with his daughters, changes diapers, and does their hair! The man does their "pretty hair" while I'm at work, which I think is pretty impressive, but a few weeks ago Belle requested a braid like Elsa, and he didn't know how to do one. That day when I got home from work he asked me to teach him how to braid. I taught him, and now he braids Belle's hair when I'm gone. He's such a good Daddy.

This is his first braid at the end of the day, and of course Mr. Perfectionist told me that he "needed to practice some more". 

Linking up with 7 Quick Takes at This Ain't The Lyceum this week


  1. ahahahaha! Two things - Bug's face in the first photo! DYING! And the Officer can do pretty hair now? Geez, that's putting the pressure on for us pretty-hair-challenged women!

  2. Of course he can braid. He'll probably be doing highlights someday.
