Thursday, November 20, 2014

Connected at the Hip

Sisters. Life would be so boring without them. I am lucky to have so many sisters and sisters-in-law, and they are my best friends. It makes me so happy that my daughters have sisters. They already love each other so much, and I know they will always have each other. 

Belle and Bug are only 13 months apart and they are inseparable. They spend every second of the day together. Belle takes shorter naps than Bug, so when she wakes up and Bug is still sleeping she always asks me, "When is Bug going to wake up?" "Can we go wake her up now?". They do not like to be apart. If they are in different rooms for more than a minute, Bug starts wandering around saying, "Where'd my sister go???"

bicycle built for one
They fight over toys, and they argue about who gets the green plate at lunch (or blue, or purple...). Sometimes Belle hits her sister, and sometimes Bug bites her. Mostly though, they laugh together, they read to each other, they share toys, they help each other find things, they pretend together, they stay up late talking together, and always they want to spend time together. I know it will change. There will be times when they have big fights, and there will be times when they hate that they have to share a room. That will change too though, and when they grow up I hope they love each other as much as I love my sisters. I hope they love each other as much as they do now. Thank God for sisters. 

Here they have literally tied themselves together and then tried walking around the house like this. Must. always. be. together.

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