Friday, December 5, 2014

7QT starting Whole30 and getting ready for Advent

Linking up at This Ain't the Lyceum.....

Thank goodness it's Friday! This was a long, exhausting week. I always think that I'm "busy" taking care of 3 little kids and teaching part-time, but I'm going to spend my 7 quick takes recapping my "busier than usual week".

1. We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with family, and it was as fun as I had anticipated... complete with a freezing cold Christmas parade and the Mockingjay. Of course, just like every good holiday weekend, I returned home to a messy house, 4 loads of dirty laundry, and zero energy to tackle any of that. The Officer went back to work as soon as we got back, and I headed off to Patient First to end my Thanksgiving weekend with toddler ear infections. This week was off to a promising start.
This kid never has a bad week
2. Continuing with our Doctor trend I managed to fit in 2 more trips to the Doctor for the girls, so that was fun, but everyone is healthy now (I think). On a positive note, I got to enjoy some alone time with my Bug at the Doctor's and learn that she is so much more mature and tough than I ever give her credit for... it's so nice to have alone time with one of the kiddos sometimes.
I'm so proud of the little girl my Bug is becoming. She is funny and charming, and always wants to give "nuggles".

3. We started Advent, but I was about 4 days late in getting any of the decorations out of the attic. We finally got them out, and started getting them put up throughout the week. Of course, we have an Advent wreath sitting on the table with no candles in it, because why does no local store ever sell purple and pink candles!?!?! I finally ordered some on Amazon, and they will be here soon, so we should get to light some Advent candles before the end of Advent.  The girls are so forgiving of my lack of organization, and they were nothing but excited about the decorations. The Officer has been leading the girls in the Angelus 3 times each day for Advent, and every night Belle reminds me that we need to pray the "Angels", so I guess our Christmas prep hasn't been a complete failure.

2 of my little beauties
4. The Officer and I have joined the Whole30 world. I had already cut out so many foods for baby girl's food allergies, so we figured we would just take the plunge with this intense paleo for 30 days, and maybe I'll even lose the baby weight during it. So we started the Whole 30 this week, which has meant many trips to the grocery store. When I'm not eating Whole30 food or cooking Whole30 food, I'm online looking up Whole30 recipes. So wow Whole30 is kind of taking over my life for the time being, and I'm sure I'll be blogging all about it, because seriously, I'm such an emotional eater, and food has been all I've been thinking about this week.

so tired I can't even make it to the bed for my nap. I totally understand.
5.  So far I'm glad we are doing Whole30, but 30 days seems really long right now. We very wisely planned our 30 days to go through a trip to a wedding out of state and of course through Christmas. We will end it on New Years Eve, and we will definitely enjoy some drinks that night! We're only a few days in, and I'm pretty sure I would have already quit, but I'm married to the Officer who only does things 100%, and I'm too competitive to give up if he doesn't, which he won't. It hasn't been too hard yet. I've been craving a soda big time every day, and I think I'm drinking about a gallon of water a day, but the recipes we've tried so far have been delicious. Everyone talks about having so much energy when they do Whole30, and so far I'm just completely exhausted, but I'm hoping that will change soon... I could definitely use the energy. We can do this.

I'm terrible at taking food pictures, but it was delicious, and I'll post recipes of my favorites sometime
6. Ok I will briefly stop talking about Whole30. This week should be much better- I mean I'm daring to hope that we don't spend 3 days at the Doctor's. We also have plans to take the girls to see Santa this week, and I have unrealistic expectations that they will happily sit on Santa's lap for a decent picture. Our candles should arrive, so it looks like our house might actually be properly decorated before Christmas day.
Christmas tree, fire, footie pajamas, happy girls... this is the good stuff.
7. The long week definitely had its magical moments. Listening to Christmas music while decorating the tree with my little girls was a wonderful memory. Then tonight the girls left their shoes out for St. Nick and were walking upstairs to bed when Belle heard a noise. She turned around and in the most excited little 3-year-old girl voice said, "Is that St. Nicholas knocking on the door????" Oh the magic of some leftover Halloween candy being stuffed in shoes while kids sleep. I have a wonderful "busy" life.


  1. 1. Oh to sit down and read a new entry - 'yeay' as always!
    2. That picture of baby girl...who can handle the chubbie cuteness?!?! Ahhh!
    3. Bug is a superwoman - so sweet you were able to turn the dr visits to an 'at least' reflection
    4. 'Little beauties' is right!
    5. Idk any of the specifics on that plate, but the meal looks DELICIOUS - cannot wait to read more
    6. Who called dibs on baby girls candy???
    7. Your Christmas home looks magical. Can we have Christmas Home Wars?!?!

  2. agree with Lauren - that meal looks delicious. but a (voluntary) diet over xmas?!?! you are an incredible mother! xo
