Sunday, October 26, 2014

Back to work

Tomorrow I'm heading back to work. Temporarily. Remember a few months ago when I was talking about my last day of work... well that didn't last too long. The wonderful woman who replaced me as the Junior Kindergarten teacher just had an adorable baby boy and is out on maternity leave, so I'm going to cover for her for the next 8 weeks. I will be teaching the same curriculum I did for the last 3 years and have the same part-time hours. I always loved teaching, and I'm looking forward to teaching again, but preparing to go back to work has confirmed 100% that I made the right decision to be a SAHM this year. Being a SAHM can be hard and exhausting, but I love it, and right now it is the best thing for my family.
Ah I'm going to miss seeing that face all day
Going back to work means the stress of waking up earlier, juggling children, and a lot more work for the Officer and Aunt Mantha who will be taking turns watching the girls while I'm gone. For me the hardest part of being a working (outside the home) Mom is the guilt. I feel guilty that someone else has to deal with my kids' tantrums or take care of my kids when they are sick. I definitely feel guilty if I ever miss out on a milestone for my little girls, or if they are missing me (usually they don't miss me at all when I'm gone because they love all the family who babysits them so much!) The days when I have to drop all the girls off at Aunt Mantha's house in the morning will be difficult too.... having everyone in our house up and out the door before 7am will be no small feat. I will enjoy teaching again though, and in 8 weeks I will happily pass the class back to their teacher and head home full time with my girls.


  1. It'll be really fun (and exhausting no doubt), but I'm so glad you get to spend a little time back at school and then return as SAHM in time for Christmas!

  2. Really like that pic of the babe (she doesn't have a blog name yet, does she?)! I didn't know you were going back to work. I hope it's a nice little change and that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" works out for you all. Those kids (school and home) are lucky to have you!
