Sunday, June 1, 2014

Last Day

Thursday was my last day of the school year. Usually teachers are thrilled for the last day of school before summer vacation, but this year it was bittersweet for me. It was my last day of teaching preschool for a very long time. Possibly forever. I am now officially a SAHM.

When the Officer and I were dating and talking about starting a family I always thought I would stay at home once we had kids. I was getting a degree in Elementary Education, so I figured my choice would be to teach full time or stay home. So when the Officer and I got married we planned our budget accordingly, knowing that one day we might be surviving on just his salary.  When Belle was born I planned to just finish that school year. Working full time for the first few months of her life was SO hard..... I don't know how other Moms do it! I was so tired and always missing her! When the school year ended I told my Principal I wouldn't be able to teach full-time anymore, and he offered me a job teaching our new Preschool program. It was part-time and the hours matched perfectly with the Officer's hours, so I was happily able to continue teaching some and still be home most of the day.

I'll miss making crafts like this.... but I can always do it with the girls
For the last 3 years the Officer and I have juggled this schedule. I taught in the mornings while he watched the girls, and when I got home at lunchtime he left for his evening shifts. It was hard work for both of us to juggle this schedule, but I loved my job, and we loved that one of us was always home with the girls (except when court or training got in the way and then his kind kind family helped us out with babysitting). We took this schedule one year at a time, but now we are adding a third baby to the mix, and leaving 3 kids under 4 with a babysitter is a lot to ask. The Officer's schedule is also changing slightly, and his career is getting busier and busier. He has happily made so many sacrifices during the last few years in order for me to have my dream job, and he would never have asked me to quit. There are just so many little details about next year that make it obvious that my family needs me at home, and I'm so happy to do it.

I will definitely miss my coworkers and all our fun
This really was my dream job. I taught at a fantastic Catholic school, where I plan to send my girls in just a few short years. My Principal was more of a friend than a boss, and I was surrounded by the greatest coworkers anyone could ask for. The people I worked with were like family to me.... we prayed together, we laughed together, and we always supported each other.  It was a wonderful job, and I will miss so many parts of it (not the early morning alarm), but now I get to start my even better dream job. I'll still get to sing silly songs and teach the alphabet, but I'll get to spend every morning with my own children. We'll get to go to Mom's group activities and story time at the library. My girls are growing up quickly, and I'm so glad I get to spend these next few precious years with them full time.

Now I get to sit with my feet up all day while this goes on right?? 
I have been amazed by all of the support I have gotten with this decision. Everyone I have told lets me know how excited they are for me, and many women have told me that they wished they had stayed home or are glad that they did stay home. Nobody thinks I'm wasting a degree or will be sitting around all day doing nothing. I'm surrounded by people who see the value in a career as Mom. I'm glad that the Officer and I can make this option work, and I'm so grateful that I had the Officer's complete support with either decision. Now I just need to make sure I don't wear my pajamas all day, because we all know how I love my "dressy sweats" :)


  1. Nooooooo! I wanted you to be James' first teacher. :)

    1. This is so true. Perhaps we could drop our kiddos off at her house for a few hours each morning. Preschool for free. I'm sure she wouldn't mind...

    2. haha I won't mind as long as you take all the little ones and tantrum-throwing toddlers while I have the preschoolers :)

  2. GOOD thing I read your blog hee hee ;) !!!! Such wonderful news, but it's obvious how bittersweet this transition is for such an amazing preschool teacher! What an incredible place to have worked and you gave so much to all your students and their families! Excited to be accountability partners with daily texts/calls to ensure both of us are dressed and bathed by a certain hour (just kidding...kind of).
