Thursday, October 23, 2014


Last week the Officer and I went on a fantastic date. We used a groupon and went zip lining through the forest. I always stress before a long date like this, because I get nervous about leaving all 3 girls with someone (this time my awesome sister Michaela babysat for us).  My sister said the girls were all good for her, except one explosive diaper and one girl who likes to ask "why?" 10 times a minute. Once I actually got out of the house and stopped worrying about my 3 month old and her bottle, I had such a good time- maybe I can just remember this the next time we're planning a long date, but probably not.

The Officer and I absolutely loved zip lining.... the views of the mountains and the autumn leaves were beautiful. There were 8 zip lines, and the last one got up to 45 MPH. The Officer and I wished all of them were that fast, because that one was just awesome. We hiked through the woods in between some of the zip lines, and we walked across some rope bridges. The trip ended with a rappel down from a tree, in which the Officer just embarrassed all of us as he jumped off the tree and flew down one-handed.  I'm not sure why the Officer and I go on all these dates where he is super good at everything..... like the time he completely destroyed me in laser tag. I need to start choosing things that I am better at than him, if only I could think of something.
We love going on fun, adventurous dates together. I told him we should overcome some fears together on a date sometime, but ummm he is scared of nothing. absolutely nothing. The only fear I have that I can think of is snakes. I have no interest whatsoever in overcoming that fear on any date. not ever. We did walk past a snake while we were hiking in the woods, and that is enough for me.  Anyone else have any fun date ideas? We get to do "dinner and a movie" at our house for the rest of our lives, so when we finally get a babysitter and get out of the house we want it to be new and exciting!

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