Sunday, March 2, 2014

Good friends. Good weekend.

I love good friends. And wow I have been lucky to have some awesome friends in my life.  I took Belle and Bug to visit our dear friend Lauren on Friday. Lauren and I were roommates in college, and we always have the nicest visits and chats... this time was no different. She has a sweet boy T who is 2 1/2, and my girls love playing with him. She also has another little boy on the way, and we enjoy being pregnant together and having baby buddies soon. My girls and T played so well together and spent the visit in their own little imaginative world. They spent hours pretending it was snowing, raining, or really hot and getting fake umbrellas, sleds, or sunscreen.... Lauren and I loved sitting and listening to their giggles and feet running down the hallway. Toddler years can be tough sometimes, but they can also be so magical to watch. Thank you Lauren for such a nice visit!
How cute are these 3 toddlers?!
Saturday I brought the girls to my in-laws house, and left them there while I went to a school fundraiser. The small Catholic school where I work has an annual Mardi Gras Gala with an auction. The Officer was working, so baby Mik was my only date, but a few of the other teachers were also there solo, and we had a great time. I seriously work at the greatest school and love my co-workers, and I love the parents at the school. We had such a fun night of dinner, dancing, drinks, and bidding on auction items, and hopefully we raised a lot of money for the school. I'm so grateful to have good friends at work and in our parish. As the weekend ended I was just thinking about how blessed the Officer and I have been with so many incredible friendships. Friends who are always there for us and bring so much joy to our lives.

The girls loved staying at their Grandparents, and they had a very busy weekend. Today when we got home from Mass they each took a 3 hour nap!  The weather was beautiful and we had such a nice weekend. Now we are preparing for yet another snow storm..... have I mentioned that I am ready for Spring?!?!?!


  1. Another awesome visit for the books. Can't believe how much our children have grown as sweet, little people in these past few years! Of course two of the best moments (T's "holy water" incident and Belle's multiple "wifey" defenses of T) went without photographic documentation ;) Love to you and your girls!!

    1. Oh thank you for reminding me about the "holy water"... that was too good! Yes, Belle will make a great bossy wife haha
