Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lessons in Lent

Today we were doing our Lenten prayers with the girls (we've been using the book Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa), and we were discussing humility. We talked about focusing on the accomplishments of others instead of our own accomplishments. Then we had the girls think of strengths of the other people in our family. As always, I was amazed at how perceptive Belle and Bug are... they notice everything. Belle was thinking of everyone's strengths, and this is what she came up with:
Belle: "Bug is good at putting away all of the bath toys." (absolutely true)
          "Daddy is good at doing the dishes." (always)
          "Mommy is good at going right to sleep." (yep, true)
the Officer (stifling his laughter): "Can you think of something else Mommy is good at?"
Belle: "She is good at eating all of her dinner."

Mission of our Lenten lesson accomplished. I was humbled. I am good at sleeping and eating. Little Lettie and I have that in common :)


  1. Well I never thought about it before but those *are* things that are difficult for children! So you obviously learned very well, probably because of your amazing oldest sister's help.

  2. Replies
    1. I know I love that picture of Lettie!! She is hilarious
