Friday, January 16, 2015

surviving the flu, a bathroom renovation, and two-year-old antics

Linking up at This Ain't the Lyceum for 7 quick takes

1. Last week we survived the flu, and I was the biggest baby of the bunch. I think that Tamiflu might be the greatest drug ever, but apparently the kid's liquid tamiflu tastes horrible... or so my children told me about 800 times twice a day for 5 days. They usually love medicine, but they definitely did NOT like "the white kind". After the second day the Officer and I somehow convinced them that it was super cool to be like a grown-up and just drink the nasty medicine with no complaints and no more spitting it in Mommy's face, so that was good. If you ever have to get your kids Tamiflu see if they can flavor it.
Luckily Lettie actually didn't get the flu. This is an old picture, but this is how pathetic our house felt last week.
2. Last week the Officer also laid the bathroom tile in our master bathroom... yay for progress! In October he demolished the bathroom, but then I went back to work for a while, and the renovation got put on hold. So, he laid the tile and is going to do the grout on Monday, and then he's taking a few days off work, so hopefully he'll get most of the bathroom done next week! (No pressure my love!)

3.  I'm excited to get the bathroom done, but it means I need to make some decisions on shower tile, vanity, paint color.... everything. I hate making decisions. The Officer and I have a deal with all of our house renovations- he will do all of the work, but I have to make all of the decisions. That might sound nice, but did you know that I hate making decisions?!
I think we are going to use this for the shower tile.... I'm making decisions.... almost.

4. Yesterday my SIL and I took 6 of our kids to the Children's Museum. It was awesome, and it was so nice to finally get the kids out of the house after our flu week. Our Children's Museum has kids' admission on sale for 15 cents on the 15th of each month,  so we will be making frequent trips to the museum.

5. I've been having a really hard time keeping my patience with a certain 2-year-old in my house. I have a million excuses of why I sometimes yell at my daughter, but no excuse is acceptable. She is 2 and often irrational and whiney, but she's my beautiful daughter.  Plus poor girl just got over the flu and has barely made it out of the house in the last 2 weeks. She deserves better. She deserves a kind mother. I'm really working on being more patient with my awesome kid, so prayers for more patience would be appreciated.
Look how cool my Bug is. I love the heck outta that girl.
6. Next week I'm bringing the girls to the March for Life. We live close enough that we can make the trip and stay with some family, and hopefully it won't be too cold. It is always such an incredible and  hopeful day.

7.  Then when we get home from the March we get to celebrate Belle's 4th birthday!!!! 4 is such a fun age. I'm so excited for next week with some beautiful January weather, the March for Life, having the Officer home, and a 4th birthday!


  1. Glad your feeling better! Being sick is no fun! Two's a tough age! Hang in there!

    1. Thank you :) we have all been having a much better week. 2 can be really tough and really fun- just gotta remember that and get through the tough moments!

  2. So glad you're feeling better. And thank you for your honesty...we've all had those moments/days/weeks/years we it just seems impossible to be patient... honesty and openness are the best ways we can prayerfully get through the hard stuff!
    P.S. We are members of the children's museum!!! So let's get together (yea yea yea)

    1. yes thanks for the prayers- they helped!!! we are both doing much better :)
      yes definitely let's plan a trip to the children's museum!

  3. Hey, I hope you are fully well now. At least you have gotten started on the things you needed done, such as the renovation of your bathroom, much as the bulk of it I guess is put on hold. It really helps to ultimately lay down the foundational aspects and elements of something, so that you can contemplate the more potentially problematic stuff of it all. Like the plumbing aspect, which is just about as nerve-wracking as electrical wiring. In any case, I'm wishing you all the best with that! Take care of yourself!

    Traci Romero @ Harris Plumbing
