Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Birthday Boy

Happy birthday to my favorite guy ever! The girls were so excited to celebrate that they came running in our room at 7:15am yelling, "can we put sprinklers on Daddy's cake now!?!?" The girls helped me make him brownies, and we sang Happy Birthday right after breakfast, because the Officer had to leave for work for the next 14 hours. He is working another long day on his birthday, and he never complained once (though I complain plenty for both of us). The Officer is the hardest worker I know, and I'm so grateful that he works so hard to take care of our family.

Happy birthday Officer! I hope that one day soon you get to enjoy a relaxing day off. You are so adored by all 4 of your ladies!!


  1. Replies
    1. haha yes Belle always calls them "sprinklers", and I just think it's too cute to correct
