Tuesday, April 29, 2014

the best years of my life

They are trying to hold hands while eating breakfast.... if only they were always this sweet to each other :)
I'm currently deep in the toddler trenches.  We have temper tantrums, whining, dirty diapers, dinnertime battles, meltdowns over peanut butter and jelly :).... all the usual toddler fun. Sometimes it is tiring to refill sippy cups 22 times a day, make those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cut them just right for the sixth day in a row, wipe the kitchen table, kiss boo boos, wipe noses, make dinner with "helpers" nearby, fix socks that the two-year-old just can't seem to get on quite right by herself, wipe the kitchen table again.... all while I wish I could just sit on the couch for a while. Last week was especially tough with the Officer working crazy hours, a 3-year-old who seemed to be testing me with her every action, and two little girls who have been sick for almost 2 months straight (hello ear infections that never go away). So after a few of my own cry sessions (what will I do when I can't blame those on hormones anymore!?), I needed a little perspective.


Sometimes I catch myself thinking "oh I can't wait for someday when they can make their own sandwiches" or "I can't wait until they can put themselves to bed" or "Will there ever be a day without timeouts?!" Then I remind myself to slow down. That "someday" will come way too fast, and I know I won't be ready for it. That "someday" will mean girls who go off to school; girls who are busy with sports; girls who don't think their Mommy is the greatest thing in the whole world; girls who don't need me all the time and don't ask for hugs and snuggles.

Yes, I will happily kiss those cheeks 1000 times a day

These are the best years of my life. A kind woman at school whose children are all grown reminded me of that a few weeks ago. I think raising teenagers is going to be so tough. Not knowing what my girls are doing every second of the day, protecting them while giving them independence, dating rules (which will be fun with the Officer and his girls ha).  No, I don't want to rush to that part of parenting..... instead I'm going to soak up these toddler years. Sure these years can be physically tiring, but they are wonderful. These are the years I get to spend playing and being loved by my girls. Yesterday I got home from school, and before I could take my shoes off Bug demanded, "Dance with me Mommy". Moments like that make these the best years of my life. Right now I treasure morning snuggles with Belle, dancing with them, being part of their little imaginary worlds, and finding trucks and school buses when we're driving ("I think that one is magic" says Bug every time). When I was in college I thought those were the best years of my life. Those carefree years were nice..... but these years are way better. It seems to get better and better..... who knows maybe those teenage years will surprise me with their own joys =)
She is so fun... most of the time ;)


  1. Sorry you had a rough week, Bigs! This aunt is always willing to take them for the weekend so you can spend more time on the couch. Bonus: I'm sure I would do everything wrong in their eyes and they would appreciate you more after.

    1. thank you =) they would love a few days with one of their favorite Aunts!!

  2. PS this was a beautiful reflection.

  3. Yes, B, it was beautiful. A great reminder to slow down, between the snotty noses, dirty diapers, etc, and enjoy those precious years. You are blessed. I am blessed to have all our beautiful children grow into such wonderful adults! Love you forever.

  4. Thank you, B. I needed to read this. Much love to you.
