Thursday, April 9, 2015

Little Sisters

Sisters are the best, and I love watching my girls be sisters to one another. Belle and Bug might as well be twins. They do everything together. They adore each other, and they argue like twins. They spend almost all day playing together...... 

Then a new little sister entered their lives, and wow they can't get enough of her. Now that Lettie is on the move she is already trying to keep up with her sisters, and so far her sisters they don't mind at all. Belle and Bug worked to build a lovely castle ("The Castle of Cair Paravel"), and Lettie happily played dumb two feet away from them..... 

I reminded Belle and Bug that Lettie loves knocking over Magnatile towers, so there was a good chance their castle wasn't going to last long. Bug decided she would run interference and protect the castle..... 

Lettie was not pleased that her plans were thwarted
So Lettie just charmed her sisters with her sweet personality. They were distracted..... 

Coast is clear..... 

I missed the picture of Lettie plowing through their castle. The best part was that her big sisters just laughed and didn't mind at all. I'm so glad these girls have each other. 


  1. You mean Lettie grew tired of playing with the diapers and wipes? Remarkable.

    1. she was probably just trying to tell me she had a dirty diaper.... baby genius :)
