Saturday, August 16, 2014

A little perspective

Yesterday was the Feast of the Assumption, and like a good practicing Catholic, I completely forgot about it when I woke up in the morning. After one of my sisters reminded me, I got on my laptop and in under 5 minutes had found the Mass times for 4 different Churches in my area. You know, I needed to find the perfect time to go to Mass that wouldn't interfere with dinner or bedtime. Definitely can't mess with bedtime. Then I fed the baby and successfully got two toddlers to go potty before heading out the door. Everyone who could walk was wearing reasonably clean clothes and matching shoes. The Officer was going to Mass at work, so I was flying solo with the girls- scary stuff at Mass.  We climbed in our minivan to drive 5 miles down the road to attend noon Mass in a Church with air conditioning and nice padded kneelers. We were early. Not just on time.... early. We sat through the entire Mass with perfect behavior from all 3 of the usual troublemakers (well maybe only 2 of them are troublemakers so far).  I didn't have to give any of my usual threats about timeouts or losing your donut. After Mass everyone who eats solid food was rewarded with a chocolate chip cookie (that includes Mommy), and I was feeling like I had just accomplished some remarkable feat!
It's a tough life I have
I had successfully kept my obligation (you know there are 6 entire Holy Days of Obligation that I have to attend) and nobody shed a single tear (including me!). Then I got on the computer and saw the following headline: People are dying for Christ- Go to Mass on Friday, and I got slapped in the face with a huge dose of perspective. It is 2014 and still Christians are dying for their faith every single day. The biggest sacrifices I have to make are battling a whiny child during the Homily or having a toddler put the pew down on my toes. Meanwhile there are people who are making real sacrifices for their faith. Sacrificing their lives for this wonderful faith. Oh I have so much to learn. Please Lord, never let me forget how fortunate I am to be able to practice my faith. Please Lord, protect these incredible people suffering for their faith.