Friday, July 25, 2014

The Real Babymoon

I've been living my real Babymoon for the last 13 days. It's been my honeymoon time with my sweet new baby. Our 3rd little bundle of joy (another girl!) was finally born on July 12 at 6:18 pm, and I'll write a post with her birth story soon, but for now I've just been enjoying my little baby moon. I don't have a blog nickname yet for our sweet daughter, because I just need to get to know her better.... if I had to give her a nickname so far it would be "sleepy head", "poopy pants", "angel baby", or her Daddy likes to call her "Third" (shout out to Orson Scott Card and anyone who has read Ender's Game).
The Officer with his precious Third daughter
The last 13 days truly have been a honeymoon. For the past 13 days I have been expected to sit around and nurse and burp a (pretty easy) newborn. Seriously, that's about it. The Officer has taken care of Belle and Bug all day every day (the much more difficult job right now), and all of our kind wonderful friends from Church, College, and the Officer's work friends have been bringing us dinners almost every day. Our families are wonderful, and someone is always willing to hold the new baby girl so Mommy can get a little nap or shower. Yes, all Moms know the negative sides to the postpartum time, but so far this one hasn't been too bad, and I am oh so very grateful. My physical recovery has been really easy this time around (way way way easier than the first). Also, I guess it took me a third child to realize how very quickly this newborn phase passes, so instead of stressing and worrying about things as much as I did as a first-time Mom, now I'm snuggling and holding my little lady before she does the unthinkable and becomes a toddler!
There are few things in life better than a newborn asleep on your shoulder
The first 2 weeks of her life have really been bliss. Our sweet third daughter has been a very easy baby so far. She sleeps a 7 or 8 hour stretch each night (I know I'm spoiled), and is pretty happy most of the day. To make up for a long night of sleeping, she eats almost all day. So I spend most of my day attached to little lady, which right now I'm not complaining about.

Three children under the age of 4 is definitely going to be a busy life. A life full of joy, but a very very busy life. The Officer has been off this whole time, and the thought of him going back to work next week makes me want to cry. What will I do without SuperDad?! He has been taking care of the big girls and allowing me to spend almost all of my time just taking care of my newborn.  I have been thoroughly enjoying all of this bonding time with my youngest, but having her attached to me at all times will not be ideal when I also have to meet the needs of 2 demanding toddlers. So my little honeymoon with my newborn officially comes to a harsh end next week, and then it will be back to reality. It will definitely be tough next week, but good thing my reality consists of 3 adorable little faces.
Mom to three little kids is a piece of cake right??? I just need to read books all day

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